We make people feel and be safe in their neighborhood
We will grow from 200,000 users today to a (neighborhood) community of 640,000 users in The Netherlands by the end of 2019. The potential for The Netherlands only is over the 3 million users.
We empower communities to make neighborhoods safer. We do this by providing an effective communication tool. One that neighbors use to alert each other and stay informed about safety concerns in the neighborhood.
Leapfunder round
We have a working product with more than two hundred thousand customers. Profitability is in sight and we are ready to scale. Our goal is to raise € 810.000 With these funds we will:
grow from 200 000 to 1 000 000 participants
increase B2C sales
build an even better product
create opportunities to roll out in the US and UK
generate al lot more valuable (big) data
sign deals with many municipalities
We will spend the investment over the course of 18 months and expect to break even in the first half of 2020.
Consumer problem
People do feel unsafe. Even in Europe and The Netherlands, which is one of the safest countries in the world, people do feel unsafe. 35 % of Dutch citizens do feel unsafe sometimes and 16 % do even feel unsafe in their own living environment (neighborhood).High impact crimes, like burglaries, do happen to 1 % of the households in The Netherlands. This has a huge impact on residents. Despite the fear citizens don’t take much prevention measures (better locks, alarm systems). They think they are too costly and don’t want to spend too much time about safety. Except for neighborhood watch groups. This prevention measure from the old days where people patrolled through their own neighborhoods, has made a revival in the digital area. In The Netherlands alone, 10 % of all households are part of a digital neighborhood watch group. Research in Tilburg and various other international studies showed a decrease in crime rate by 30 to 50 % in areas with a digital neighborhood watch group.These success stories are one of the main drivers of the growth of these groups. Research showed that even 64 % of all households do want to participate. But despite the crime reduction and willingness to participate there is still “only” 10 % of all households active. The two main barriers are;
Difficult to set-up digital neighborhood watch group
Too much spam and discussion within the group
As said, people don’t want to spend too much time around safety and currently it is too time intensive too set up a group. There is a “leader” necessary in every neighborhood who decides to set this up. Next he needs to promote the group in his neighborhood and add everyone to the group. This is time intensive for him. Next neighbors are not willing or able to join as they are not aware that there is a group and they can join. Or they just don’t want to share their phone number, photo and personal details with everyone in the neighborhood. The second part is why people leave those groups and/ or “leaders” stop. When there are several neighbors in a group you always have several opinions and needs to serve. This makes it difficult to manage for the “leader”. He needs to decide what is allowed. Is it allowed to give emotional support via “thumbs upp” or “smileys”? Is it allowed to place photos of a suspicious person? Or start a topic on a missing cat? When you have a diverse group of people you can’t do it right. People feel they receive “spam” and others do feel they can make appropriate use of the neighborhood watch group. With these discussions, the “leader” becomes the (unwanted) judge on neighbors become disappointed. One way or another this will result in the end of the neighborhood watch group. Or disappointed neighbors leave the group, or the “leader” decides he don’t want to be the judge and stop the whole group.
Consumer solution: Veiligebuurt App
Veiligebuurt app first tackles all the barriers of current neighborhood watch groups (Telegram, Messenger, WhatsApp). As a neighbor you download the app (iOS, Android) and register yourself by only entering your e-mail, your profile name and your home address. With this information we add you directly in the group with your neighbors. You don’t need to know eachother and you don’t share personal details. Within 30 seconds you are part of your digital neighborhood watch group. About the information you entered in the registration form. Your profile name is the only item which is shared with your neighbors and we use this when we send you a message. The email addres is necessary to validate our account and make sure you are not a bot. The home address is necessary to put you directly in the right neighborhood group with your neighbors. Your home adress will not be shared with anyone and will not be used outside Veiligebuurt.At first you only received messages from your neighbors. We added all the worthwhile information from your neighborhood to the Veiligebuurt app. This way you don’t need all other apps and are always up-to-date with safety information of your neighborhood. We give you updates about missing children (Amber Alert), burglaries (police information) and are also connected with home security systems. When the alarm is triggered, the neighbors will be alerted (if you opt-in). The side effect of this additional feature is that user use or app more often as there is more content and alerts. This increase the awareness of the app and organic growth.In our current version (Neighborhood watch 3.0) government can alert neighbors and just use their own communication channels (like AmberAlert, Burgernet). The next steps which we will take to develop the product further is to make a real cooperation between neighbors and government (4.0). The government should be an integral part of the digital neighborhood watch community (citizen participation). Neighbors can inform and alert the government when they see something or want to report something. The residents have one communication point and don’t need to search where they have to report something. Next they receive feedback from the government and status updates.
Results so far
Successes and proof of consumer solution. Veiligebuurt has grown from 50,000 users in November 2017 to 200,000 users in July 2018. Major towns (Utrecht, Zwolle) in The Netherlands switched completely from the current WhatsApp solution to Veiligebuurt app. Users do see and experience the added value of Veiligebuurt and generate a lot of referrals. >25% of all growth came from referrals.
This video made with the police and neighbors in Bommelerwaard shows how the app is used and what successes it have had (including national TV coverage):
Successes and prove of business solution
As shown in the video, the police says it is “fantastic”. This is one of the biggest compliments possible. Next we won a tender of the Ministery of Justice and Security in The Netherlands and cooperate with them. This shows that government see the potential and are keen to work with us. The next challenge is to generate more revenues from the government as a client. As said we already sell to 0.2 % of our users an alarm system per year. This proves that we can sell products and services to our user base. The insurance product will be launched after the Summer 2018 and is expected to create more than 1 % conversion on our whole base, as we learned that 27 % is open for an insurance offer/ quote and we know that our offer is better priced than 85 % of insurance products in the market. Our data is already shared with SwissRe (world leading reinsurer). They use is for their risk model and for their smart home solution with analytics to sell to their clients (primary insurers). The data has been proven valuable to them and we are now discussing prolongation and terms. We have talks with all major insurers in The Netherlands and expect to close deals before end of this year (2018). They are willing to cooperate, see the projected benefits and are now doing their customer research (including brand fit). Veiligebuurt is not yet profitable and not all revenue streams have been proved by paying clients. But we showed that some of the business model revenue stream already deliver money (data, leads, advertisement) and two others are in pipeline (branding and government).